Vision, Mission & Objective


    Sustainable growth of livestock, poultry for nutritional security, economic prosperity and livelihood support; and promotion of Disease Free Zone concept for specific animal diseases.


    Preserve animal genetic resources, conserve indigenous breeds, protect, strengthen and improve livestock, create employment opportunities and livelihood support for women and other marginalized groups, increase production, productivity and value addition of livestock, and poultry products.


    • To  develop  requisite  animal  husbandry  &  dairying  infrastructure  in  States/  UTs  for improving  livestock  production  &  productivity.
    • To  preserve  and  protect  livestock  through  provisioning  of  adequate  health  care facilities.
    •  To  strengthen  of  central  livestock  farms  (Cattle,  Sheep  and  Poultry)  for  development  of superior  germplasm  for  distribution  to  States/UTs.